Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of all our customers and visitors.

The information collected from customers when signing up is used for billing and administration purposes only and will be kept confidential. Contact information collected will be contact details and payment information. None of which will be passed onto third parties.

When visitors use the website, information such as the ISP's domain, the time accessed and the pages visited may be stored by us. This is to analyse the web traffic and improve content of the site.

Any personal information contained within customer's websites and online shops is their own responsibility. We have taken security measures to ensure that our customers are protected against loss, alteration or misuse.

Customers are responsible for ensuring that only authorised personnel access their accounts. If for any reason you are concerned about this, please contact us


Like many web sites, we set and use cookies to enhance your user experience, such as language and currency settings and shopping cart contents as this forms an important part of the process. These cookies remain 'active' only for a maximum of 30 days. Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies. If you disable this function, some areas of our Websites will not function properly.

Advertisements may appear on our web site and, if so, may set and access cookies on your computer and is subject to the privacy policy of those parties providing the advertisement. However, the companies serving the advertising do not have access to our cookies. In addition, non personally identifiable visitor statistic gathering systems such as Google Analytics further require us to comply with the EU Cookie Law, brought into force on May 26 2012. This takes the form of a banner requesting to to confirm your acceptance of the use of cookies when using this site.

Get in touch..



If you would like to find out more about Pen’Ny’s Arte I would love to hear from you. I’ll do my best to respond to you as soon as I can.

Fill in the form or call me on 07497 347556.